Saturday, December 1, 2012

Dreams come true, with a nightmare to match

        If you've ever read the blog of other exchange students, then you have most likely seen their posts about the very first time they dreamed in their host language.  I can't wait until I experience that for for the first time.  Meanwhile, I recently had an exchange dream of another sort, an exchange nightmare.
        The jist of it was that Rotary had finally contacted me about my country selection, but I wasn't going to Germany.  I wasn't being sent to any of the 40 country choices which I had numbered for Rotary for that matter.  They proceeded to ecstatically tell me they were sending me to ALASKA! wait, whatttt??  Dream Mary was very confused by this. Alaska doesn't include a new country or a new language or a new culture!  If that didn't tip me off that it was a dream, then the fact that another girl was being sent to Northern Michigan should have made me realize this couldn't be real.  But Dream Mary couldn't figure that bit out and instead ran around trying to find someone to save her from a year of igloos and English.  You wouldn't believe how relieved I was to wake up in the morning!
       The point for you, in my dramatic little tale, is that I still don't know where I will be next year.  Though I do know it won't be Alaska or anywhere in the U.S. for that matter! Waiting to hear my country selection sometimes feels harder than waiting for my program acceptance was, just because I knew I had a good chance of being accepted, but there isn't any real reason that I qualify for one country more than any other.  Also, having to wait two days compared to 2 months made it easier as well.

I'll be sure to let you all know when I find out my real country!  Until that time, I leave you with this link to a blog that I really think you should check out!  It's not exchange related, but it's definitly a great project, one of my favorites!

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