Thursday, May 9, 2013

Host Email Part II

        I told you I'd make another post after I got a response from my family and now, several emails later, I finally am getting around to it!  So now I know for sure that I will be living in Bremerhaven with my host mom and dad.  The daughter who is going to Chile will be there for my first month which will probably be very helpful for adjusting, though she won't go to my school.  My host brother is graduating high school this year and next year will be living in Hamburg about an hour away.  I don't know when he will leave for Hamburg or how often he'll come home but overall, I'm going to be an only child!  I admit, this scared me a little at first, seeing as I've been raised with three siblings but the more I thought about it, the more benefits I see to being the only child for my exchange year. Another peculiarity about my situation is that they will be my only family!  Rotary typically moves you around so as to lighten the load on the host and to give you a broader view of "normal" life but it just worked out that I will only have one host family.  I can't say that I'm disappointed by this though, because from all the emails I've been exchanging with my host mom, she seems perfect.  I also have some pictures of their house now and it looks absolutely adorable.  All the flowers are coming up in the gardens now, just like here.

       My host mom also told me that I will attend Lloyd Gymnasium, because that's where all of the exchange students in Bremerhaven go to school.  It's website said that they are a bilingual school which freaked me out at first, but my host mom said she'd support me in getting myself into strictly German taught classes.  Did I mention how superb her English is?  She's been writing most emails in both German and English for me, though now it's mostly just German.  I still write out an English and German version because I'm sure that without an English version to reference, my German would be almost indecipherable.  It's still good practice for me to be writing in German though, and I'm learning that I use "excited" "beautiful" and "very" a whole lot.  I almost hope their spoken English isn't quite as good just so that I don't use it too much as a crutch when the German gets hard.  This was a rather rambling post but I think it served it's purpose.

I hope to add another post that will highlight all the cool things I've learned about Bremerhaven soon!  Get ready for lots of pictures in that!


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