Thursday, May 2, 2013

Host Email Part I

        I opened the computer after school and was flicking through my usual tabs when an unfamiliar email address caught my eye.  I flipped back and looked closer.  Charlotte?  I don't know anyone named Charlotte...I sat there waiting for the email to load when final it hit me.  This must be from my host family!  Now you might think that after all my desperate scanning for exchange related news I would be able to connect the dots a little faster than I did.  In my defense, I've been very preoccupied with studying for my upcoming AP exams and finals.  Okay, so I've been preoccupied with thinking about studying for my AP exams, but same diff.
         So what exactly did this mystery email tell me?  Not a whole bunch I'm afraid, but I'll share what I know so far!  I now know that I will be living in the fabulous city of Bremerhaven with two host parents and a host brother of an unknown age.  My host sister, Charlotte, who sent me the email, is going to be on exchange in Chile while I'm there so it's possible we'll never even meet.  What a strange thought!  I don't know if there are other families who just haven't contacted me yet, or if they are the only one.  That is one of the numerous questions I sent them; I'll post the answers to all my questions when I get a response!  Unfortunately it is now 12 am in Bremerhaven so I might have to wait until tomorrow!
         Until that happens....



  1. Your news showed up on my dashboard. Congrats!! You must be super excited. I couldn't stop babbling about Germany today and I think my mom got annoyed. I just can't help it aha.

    I'm now waiting for my own news. I'm sure once I get my own town, I'll be researching it like crazy.
    I can't wait to see what other updates you get from there. Annnd I'm kinda dying for my own. But patience is key.

    1. I'm sure you'll start getting info soon! It's such a struggle not to bring Germany into every conversation I have. But you'll find out before you know it!

  2. Perhaps the most interesting fact about Bremerhaven for someone coming from the USA: There is the "Auswandererhaus" (House of Emigration), a museum covering the emigration of Germans to the USA as its main topic. Most emigrants left Germany from the port of Bremerhaven, that's why there is such a museum.

    1. That sounds really cool, thanks for sharing GWB!
